Stressed broiler bird Simple Practical ways to manage heat stress in birds during hot weather seasons. So far so goo d, even though some parts of the country has started seeing some bits and pieces of rain, 2018 has been a very hot and dry weathered year as the heat has really taken its toll on most farmers' flock. Whether you are rearing broilers or layers , no thanks to global warming over the past few years there is every possibility that you would be affected by this uninviting heat that we have all been experiencing of recent. Those who have young chicks would most likely experience some form of watery droppings around the vent of their chicks that dries up to form what we call pasty vent. Well, this is as a result of the fact that your chicks are drinking much more quantity of water to re-hydrate themselves since they can not control their body temperature at that...
Poultry,piggery,fishery and microlivestock