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Plantain production

Cultivation of plantain on 1hectare(10000m²) (15plots) of Land Planting distance: 3m No. of plants: 3333 stands Estimated cost Clearing: #60000 (15plots*4000) Cost of suckers: #80*3333=#266640 Cost of transportation: #30*3333=#99990 Cost of planting: 30*3333=#99990 1permanent staff =10000*12= #120,000 Other laborers: 5000*6=30000 Cost of organic manure: 200bags*500#= 100000 Harvesting/marketing Given 5% allowance, *3166.5 or 31667* bunches of plantain will be harvested Assuming a bunch is sold an average of #800*3166.5= #2533200 Expenses(cost of inputs) #776620 profit #2533200-77620 =#1756580 In the next planting season, harvest will be doubled, cost of transportation, cost of suckers, cost of planting, cost manure will be off