Heat stress is a situation an intending poultry entrepreneur must prepare for at the initial stage of planning. This is because it can lead to excessive mortalities that will close the venture before you end it. It also make a mess of production parameters as most chicken cannot express their phenotypic potentials maximally So the means to address it is good housing design, high building, low walls, east west direction lay out, decision to close the house and use tunnel ventilation system. Visiting your feed formulation. Ensuring that the protein /energy ration is may maintained. If your chicken already has excessive fat then you will need to add choline chloride to the feed and adjust the formulation to remove excess energy in it. See your Animal scientist( Animal science, Vets, Animal health and husbandry graduates for help) In the interim you must serve them cool water in heat periods . so pump fresh water in their tanks at these times...
Poultry,piggery,fishery and microlivestock