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Showing posts with the label African velvet


Popularly known as Icheku in Igbo, Awin in Yoruba,  and Tsamiyar kurm in Hausa, African velvet tamarind is the fruit of a native West African tree (dialium guineense). Its health benefits include ; Malaria Treatment : According to research, the leaf extract inhibits the growth of plasmodium falciparum which causes malaria therefore, taking a decoction can cure malaria. Treats Ulcer and Prevents Hypertension: The leaf extract of velvet tamarind has the ability to increase gastric mucus secretion. Therefore, a decoction of the leave can be a remedy for gastric ulcer. The leafs are also highly diuretic-promotes the production of urine, making it easier for the heart to pump blood hence, reducing the risk of hypertension. Anti-inflammatory and Anti-microbial Properties: The fruit pulp contains abundant vitamin C which fights against microbial infections. The stem bark has the ability to reduce inflammation in bronchial tubes that arises due to bronchitis. Improve...