Dewormer Dewormer Dewormer Vitamins/booster Vitamins  The word drug is no longer a strange word in the livestock industry .Farmers ranging from poultry farmers to cattle breeders know different drug types(antibiotics, dewormers, vitamins etc) and even brands(producers). This knowledge is highly commendable. In this note, which I'm prompted to write due to questions thrown at me by farmers on drug usage and its effect on Livestock production(mostly poultry). Some of which are: ▪Which dewormer(s) is the best? ▪Why do I experience drop in egg production while deworming? ▪How frequent do I need to deworm? Etc Dewormers They are drugs that have been tested and proven to combat and terminate different class of endoparasites(internal parasites:worms, nematodes, protozoa etc). These drugs have different mode of actions and in some cases are specific in actions(target certain class of endo parasites) The common dewormers available in our clime include ...
Poultry,piggery,fishery and microlivestock