Business Plan is one of the document you must have before starting a business. People believe that you need it for getting loans from bank or grant from other institutions. However, the main purpose of this document is for business clarity and definition of purpose. It is a guide in attaining success. BUSINESS PLAN SECTIONS 1. BUSINESS CONCEPT OR EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This section should not contain products or services offered by the company alone, it should highlight all the key elements of your business plan. It should focus on the "WHAT, HOW, WHY NOW AND WHY YOU?" for the business opportunity. It should explain what separate your product from what exists in the market and what specific customer need you are satisfying. 2. PRODUCT OR SERVICE SECTION In your business plan, you'll need to Answer the following questions about your product or service: 1. What is the customer need that you are addressing (shelter, beauty, health, transport etc) _____...
Poultry,piggery,fishery and microlivestock