If you don't want to eat crickets, any chickens, Fishes,ducks, turkeys, or pigs will do well with them. Crickets and other insects, as you may have heard, are a vastly more sustainable form of protein than livestock. They are also an ideal protein source for feed formulation. Crickets take up very little space, and won’t cause a ruckus if they escape. Unless they escape indoors, that is – then you’ll have quite a ruckus on your hands. factor that prevents most folks from eating bugs, you might still want to raise them as a sustainable food source for other critters that you do want to eat – they are suitable for any omnivorous livestock, including chickens, ducks, turkeys, and pigs. Housing consists of nothing more than 20-gallon plastic totes: each one can support a population of 1,000 or so insects. The smooth sides of the totes prevent the crickets from climbing up them and escaping. You’ll need a least two totes, which will be used on a rotational basis for adult...
Poultry,piggery,fishery and microlivestock