Processed broiler is a fast process to make money in broiler farming. Within 7 weeks, a broiler farm is on the verge of making thousands, millions if properly planned. This kind of operation favours the festive rearing for commercial consumption, an individual who wishes to do processed broiler just have to wait patiently for 6-7 weeks, and with the market already planned with his production surely will make good sum of money. Before an individual venture into processing broilers, the fundamental knowledge of broilers has to be gotten. Whether it been processed or festive broilers, you cannot run a broiler operation without fundamental knowledge of this niche of poultry farming. * The analysis of setting up 500 broilers for processing in 7 weeks is shown below.* 👉🏻 *It is very important, that uniformity must be constantly achieved in broiler processing.* In 6-7 weeks, a broiler farmer should have attained 80% uniformity in birds so as to benefit 80% in marketing. Un...
Poultry,piggery,fishery and microlivestock