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Heat stress is a situation an intending  poultry entrepreneur must prepare for at the initial stage of planning. This is because it can lead to excessive mortalities that will close the venture before you end it. It also make a mess of production  parameters as most chicken cannot express their phenotypic potentials maximally So the means to address it is good  housing design,  high building, low walls, east west direction lay out, decision to close the house and use tunnel ventilation system. Visiting your feed formulation. Ensuring that the protein /energy ration is may maintained. If your chicken already has excessive fat then you will need to  add choline chloride to the feed and adjust the formulation to remove excess energy in it. See your Animal scientist( Animal science, Vets, Animal health and husbandry graduates for help) In the interim you must serve them cool water in heat periods . so pump fresh water in their tanks at these times...

Plantain production

Cultivation of plantain on 1hectare(10000m²) (15plots) of Land Planting distance: 3m No. of plants: 3333 stands Estimated cost Clearing: #60000 (15plots*4000) Cost of suckers: #80*3333=#266640 Cost of transportation: #30*3333=#99990 Cost of planting: 30*3333=#99990 1permanent staff =10000*12= #120,000 Other laborers: 5000*6=30000 Cost of organic manure: 200bags*500#= 100000 Harvesting/marketing Given 5% allowance, *3166.5 or 31667* bunches of plantain will be harvested Assuming a bunch is sold an average of #800*3166.5= #2533200 Expenses(cost of inputs) #776620 profit #2533200-77620 =#1756580 In the next planting season, harvest will be doubled, cost of transportation, cost of suckers, cost of planting, cost manure will be off


Image of a cannibalized turkey Cannibalism  usually occurs when the birds are ... Read more


Business Plan is one of the document you must have before starting a business. People believe that you need it for getting loans from bank or grant from other institutions. However, the main purpose of this document is for business clarity and definition of purpose. It is a guide in attaining success. BUSINESS PLAN SECTIONS 1. BUSINESS CONCEPT OR EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This section should not contain products or services offered by the company alone, it should highlight all the key elements of your business plan. It should focus on the "WHAT, HOW, WHY NOW AND WHY YOU?" for the business opportunity. It should explain what separate your product from what exists in the market and what specific customer need you are satisfying. 2. PRODUCT OR SERVICE SECTION In your business plan, you'll need to  Answer the following questions about your product or service: 1. What is the customer need that you are addressing (shelter, beauty, health, transport etc) _____...

Pertinent Feeding Programs for Small Chicken Flocks

Chicks will double their weight four to five times in the first six weeks of life. This tremendous growth demands proper nutrition. A commercially prepared chick starter "mash or crumble" - is the best way to provide a complete nutritional package at all times. In the first six weeks, feed consumption will be approximately 1 - 1.3 kg for each egg-producing chick and 4 kg for each meat-producing chick. The starter should contain a coccidiostat to stop intestinal damage caused by one of the common types of chicken parasites. The most common cause of problems in small flocks is failure to provide a commercially prepared starter feed. The second most common problem is failure to use a fortified supplement in the correct proportions when grain is added to the diet on the farm. Without a nutritionally balanced ration, birds will suffer from poor feathering, slow growth, increased fatness and leg problems. It is not possible to produce a properly fortified diet by using just ...

Snakes and Honey revealed

Snake eating chicken Snake swallowing egg Snake about to attack Do you have snakes harassing you in your house or farm? To flush out the snake, just light a whole paper soaked in honey and place it in the middle of the living room and open the door, and wherever the snake is hiding in the house, it will come out urgently and you'll end up with it outside. The smell of burnt honey is a repulsive nightmare for all dangerous reptiles