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Grasscutter farming in Nigeria

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Monday October 31, 2016 11:20AM


There are many decent ways to make good money farming small garden plots or backyard and a lot of people are using these methods to earn part-time or full-time incomes. Rearing Grasscutters in Nigeria in this type of space is one of the best way to earn cool money in MILLIONS.

Grasscutters (a rodent family), like many rodent species have been and continue to be a delicacy in a number of countries, in Latin America, Africa and Asia where markets exist for a wide variety of rodent species for consumption, grasscutters are often preferred over other sources of meat. The vast majority of these animals are still gathered from the wild and several species have been hunted so extensively that they are now extinct. And this offers small-scale farmers, investors, businessmen and all those with wealth-mind set, an economic incentive for raising grasscutters in captivity.

Grasscutters are widely distributed and valued in West and Central Africa. The meat is of a higher protein but lower fat content than domesticated farm meat and it is also appreciated for its tenderness and taste. More recently, intensive production of grasscutters has been undertaken in many African countries, including Nigeria.

Research carried out over the last two decades has allowed the selection and improvement of stock for captivity with much knowledge and techniques for grasscutter production.

Practical information is readily available for anyone interested in grasscutter farming/production in Nigeria.

Grasscutter has been overhunted and savanna habit is often at risk during the dry season from bushfires, which are lit during bushmeat hunting expeditions. Grasscutters are not the most prolific of rodent species but the high demand, attract market price and small amount of investment required makes grasscutters a suitable mini-livestock activity for income generation in many part of Nigeria.

There are few Nigerians today that are making brisk business in grasscutter rearing. Grasscutter farming in Nigeria if pursed with the benefit of the right information and knowledge now available, is a very viable commercial venture. Grasscutters are mainly herbivorous; require neither imported component of food nor expensive medical expenses if strict hygiene is maintained. They are easy and very cheap to raise. Gestation period of the grasscutter is about 154 days or five month.

Grasscutter meat is a delicacy in Nigeria today and are served in big hotels and restaurants as well as some joints patronized by middle to high level people.

Depending on your experience, grasscutter can be packaged to outfits as pepper soup meat, suya, frozen or dried meat. Most Chinese are looking for the meat as regular meal and also to entertain most of their guests from abroad.

If you rear grasscutter in commercial quantity under good hygienic condition, fast food restaurants such as Mr. Biggs, Tantalizers, Sweet Sensation etc will be your regular customers. They will only need your assurance of regular supply per week. There is also good market for grasscutter meat in the international market if only you can do a good packaging.

Nigeria`s economic recovery programmes have necessitated a radical shift from total dependence on government for job to self employment. One such attractive area for self employment is Grasscutter farming. It is a great money-spinning business that can provide a substantial source of protein to complement Nigerian carbohydrate meals. Sadly Nigerians inclination to go into business in the field where thousand have already made their fortune has led to the ulter neglect of such lucrative area as Grasscutter farming in Nigeria.

Many who are also into the business of Grasscutter farming are unwilling to let others know about the farming methodology. The techniques are after shrouded in secrecy.


1. They can easily be reared at home

2. They command a very good selling price as a family that is made up of five grasscutters is sold for N45,000 or more. A serious and dedicated farmer can have close to 200 families at a time.

3. They are herbivorous animals, so they feed mostly on grass.

4. Grasscutters are polygamous in nature, hence it makes it easy to colony raise them in captivity and in large numbers.

5. It is a multimillionaire business, if one can take the courage of breeding them on commercial scale.

6. It is a business venture that can be started on small scale with a space of less than one room.

7. Source of income and employment: one can depend on grasscutter rearing for his livelihood. In fact, grasscutter farming should create a job opportunities for urban and rural dwellers. The business of producing, processing, transporting, storing, financing and servicing grasscutter products should give employment to many people.

8. Grasscutter farming in Nigeria is a virgin in the kingdom of livestock as a result earlier investors without doubt have bright prospects in exploring this venture.

9. You can conveniently earn income a thousand fold higher than your present earning. You can keep your present job and do this on part time.

10. The demand for grasscutter meat is so large that it is not being met.

11. Production of pharmaceuticals: The pancreas of the grasscutter is believed to have a high concentration of insulin, which is used in local preparation for the treatment of diabetes. The possibility of using the brains, blood and various organs for producing various biological products for use in medicine and research generally could be explored.

12. The meat has high carcass quality and protein is comparable to that of poultry.

13. The meat tastes well and highly relished.

14. There is no known religion discrimination against grasscutter meat.

15. Grasscutters do not compete with man for food.

16. As pets: people usually derived pleasure and satisfaction from raising grasscutters etc.

In order to assist a lot of Nigerians to tap into this highly lucrative venture, our organization, THE THY CONSULTING, has written a manual titled:THE BEAUTY OF GRASSCUTTER FARMING & produced a VCD on COMMERCIAL GRASSCUTTER FARMING IN NIGERIA; to enable them know all the techniques and secrets of commercial Grasscutter farming.


1. Introduction

2. Distribution and Habit in the Wild

3. Characteristics of Grasscutters

4. Importance of Grasscutter Rearing

5. Possible Constraints of Production

6. Factors to be Considered in Establishing a Grasscutter Farm

7. Site Selection

8. System of Production

9. Grasscutter Housing

10. Basic Equipment in Grasscutter Rearing

11. Reproduction in Grasscutter

12. Mating Management in Grasscutters

13. Detection of Pregnancy in Grasscutters

14. Selection of Breeding stock in Grasscutter farming

15. Differentiation of Male from Female

16. Management of Grasscutter farm

• Routine Management

• Grasscutter Handling

• Grasscutter Feed and Feeding Management

• Castrating of Male Grasscutters

• Hygiene in Grasscutter Farming

• Grasscutter Ailment and Treatment

• Record keeping in Grasscutter farming

17. Cost Benefit Analysis of Grasscutter Production

18. Processing & Marketing of Grasscutter

19. Lessons from University of Ghana, Legon on Grasscutter Production Management and many more.

Only very few Nigerians for now have penetrated the lucrative market and reaping cool big profit without stress. The KNOW-HOW of commercial Grasscutter farming secrets had been covered up and seriously guided for sometime but now we the present Nigerian revolutionary wealth builders have decided to uncover the secrets and release them without reservation to fellow aspiring Nigerians who so desire and keen in generating the wealth building secrets.


1. To contribute our quota to eradicate poverty in Nigeria through Grasscutter farming

2. To empower ourselves to be the best destined for us by our creator-Almighty God.

3. To share what we know, practice and have worked successfully for us; so as to be blessed with more from the Almighty.

4. To expose the idea of Grasscutter farming in Nigeria as great income opportunity.

5. To eliminate idleness and hopelessness in our country.

6. To show people how to prosper through Grasscutter farming despite the economy.

7. To motivate the less privileged ones to be self-dependent.

8. To let people know that our country is greatly blessed with resources yet unexplored.

9. To direct employees on how to augment their income without affecting their present job.

10. To create awareness of such a lucrative technology.

11. To reveal the economic importance, nutritional and medicinal value of grassrcutter.

12. To transfer the technology to retirees, housewives, young school leavers, investors, traders, local dwellers, applicants, family economic advancement programme (FEAP)/NGO and workers who need extra income to augment their merge salary.

13. To reduce financial crises and crime in our society.

In this mission i.e. empowering you to build your desired wealth with peace mind; many are sincerely called, but believe me or not, only few are chosen. Why only few? That is the power of destiny working. The mystery is only known to our creator-Almighty God.

Our organization has spent huge money, time and effort to acquire valuable information through attending seminars, conferences, surfing the Internet and researches on how to set up commercial Grasscutter farming successfully. All necessary, comprehensive and step by step guide on how to embark on the business and make huge financial success from it as we are currently enjoying; are contained in the well researched manual on THE BEAUTY OF GRASSCUTTER FARMING & the VCD on COMMERCIAL GRASSCUTTER FARMING IN NIGERIA.


The price is a bargain for the valuable information and facts that would aid your success in the SILENT GOLDMINE Venture.

The manual is a complete feasibility study on Grasscutter Farming in its own right. You must therefore, hurry up, before the price changes, as it is sure to do. Nothing is as permanent as change.

Conclusively, I would advise you to give it a bold trial and you are sure of being on your way to a sound financial independence and freedom you so much desire; if you judiciously and religiously apply the principle highlighted in the manual & th VCD and with good luck and Almighty God`s blessing and guidance success is guaranteed.

.Feasibility Study on Grasscutter Farming.

. Provision of relevant species of grasscutter for farming, consumption and export etc.
. Meeting demand of hotels, eatries, resturants, club houses etc for their grasscutters supplies in large quantities.
. Training of would be grasscutter farmers, farmers, exporters on the latest methodology of grasscutter farming in Nigeria, grasscutter trade and export.
. Organizing of excursion for students from primary schools, secondary schools to tertiary institutions.

. Provision of training materials and videos on all aspects of grasscutter farming in Nigeria and at international level.

Act Now! Nothing happen without action. Do not procrastinate, make hay while the sun shines.

  Being Smart Is Getting Into New Thing Early.








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