Below are some common poultry diseases:
1. Fowl Cholera
Fowl Cholera is a chronic disease caused by Pasteurella Multocida that can affect the joints, wattles, infraohits, sinuses and other tissues. Common symptoms include loss of appetite, diarrhea with a greenish tinge, ruffled feathers, swollen purple wattle, swollen comb, swollen joints, lameness, oral, nasal and ocular discharge and sudden death.
Most commonly found in older chickens, Fowl Cholera affects more cocks than it does henshens
2. Coccidiosis
Coccidiosis is a parasitic disease caused by Coccidian protozoa that lives in and damages a specific region of the gut in chickens. The trouble starts when chickens consume a sporulated oocyst which is broken down by chemicals in the gut, releasing an infective sporocyst. it causes loss of appetite, bloody diarrhea, ruffled feathers, weight loss and inability to absorb nutrients.
Avian influenza is a disease caused by type A Orthomyxoviruses. They are commonly found and spread by wild aquatic birds which infect domesticated poultry. Symptoms include;Diarrhea, nasal discharge, edema in the comb and wattles, purple discoloration, coughing and sneezing, swelling, ruffled feathers.
The disease is a very deadly one.
4. Fowl Pox
Also known as Avian Pox, Fowl Pox is highly contagious. Chickens that contract Avian Pox can experience two different types of the condition:
Wet pox
Dry pox
Symptoms are characterized by distinctive bumps that look like warts and are visible on the wattle and comb. In addition, young birds experienced stunted growth and egg production decreases.
5. Newcastle Disease
Newcastle disease is an acute respiratory disease that can spread rapidly. Symptoms of the disease depends on whether the infecting virus has a predilection for respiratory, digestive, or nervous systems. While it can affect both wild and domesticated fowl, domestic poultry is much more susceptible to contract severe symptoms.
6. Salmonellosis
Salmonellosis is a bacterial disease that can cause septicemia and enteritis in young chickens. With a low mortality rate, infections are contracted orally and can be spread by rodents.
Symptoms of salmonellosis include diarrhea, closed eyes, loss of appetite, thirst, ruffled feathers and dejection.
Improvement on the nutrition and housing management as well as the use of additives and drugs is a good step at keeping your birds sickness free
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