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A normal lactation length for cows is 290 to 310 days with an average length of 296 days. A short lactation length is anything less than 270 days
For a healthy and productive cow, feed rations should be balanced in terms of quality, quantity and amounts of concentrates, protein, mineral and vitamins.
Some literature compares a dairy cow to a factory. That means what is fed to the cow determines to a large extent the quality and quantity of milk produced.
It is from the feeds that a dairy cow derives energy for maintenance, growth, milk production and reproduction.
When a cow gets sick and is unable to feed well, its energy levels goes down. The cow’s first response will be to cut down milk production to save energy for its health.
If energy levels remain low, the cow will not show any signs of heat.
This shows that production and reproduction are the two most affected when a cow is not fed with the right quality and quantities of feed.

Napier grass,
• Boma Rhodes,
• Lucerne,
• Desmodium and
• Sweet potatoes vines.
Napier grass is best intercropped with desmodium, harvested and fed together. As the number of beneficial bacteria increases, there is subsequent increase in microbial protein, which when combined with increased net energy leads to high milk production.

Fresh fodder should be fed after a day’s wilt, chopped into 2 inch pieces to enable the cow feed easily and minimise wastage.
A dairy cow should consume 10-20kg of chopped forage per day preferably in two splits, one in the morning and the other at night.

Steaming up the practice of commencing to feed extra rations, especially of grain and concentrates, to late pregnant cows in an attempt to promote maximum milk production from the very beginning of the lactation. Feeding usually commences about 4 weeks before the due date.
During steaming up, extra high quality feed is given to in-calf cows/heifers for the last two months before calving. Quantities may vary depending on the condition of the animal.

1. Encourage growth and repair of the udder tissue
2. Get a strong and healthy calf at birth
3. Ensure there is enough energy for the cow while calving
4. Avoid difficult calving
5. Build-up of body reserves that will be used in the first two months after calving

A dairy cow may be steamed up by
• Providing good quality hay, dairy meal concentrate 1-2kg per cow per day and Intromin mineral block supplement free choice.
• After calving, a dairy cow should be fed 3kg of concentrates (dairy meal) per day depending on individual production.
As the number of beneficial bacteria increases, there is subsequent increase in microbial protein, which when combined with increased net energy leads to high milk production.
It is from the feeds consumed that a dairy cow derives energy for growth, maintenance, reproduction and milk production.
Fodder/roughages are bulky feeds that are rich in energy and proteins, but are not whole meal. They are important for high milk production in dairy cows and constitute up to 80 per cent of the diet.

• After calving, a dairy cow should be fed 3kg of concentrates (dairy meal) per day depending on individual production.
• Dairy meal should be fed after milking so that the cow remains standing until the teat canal closes. This helps to avoid teat infection and mastitis.

• Farmers should supplement their dairy cows with yeast either in feeds or drinking water so as to boost milk production.

• Yeast fed to a dairy cow improves feed digestibility, increases feed intake and overall performance and productivity.

• Yeast extracts increases the number and activity of beneficial bacteria leading to increased rate of ruminal fermentation and a subsequent increase in net energy.

• As more organic matter is fermented per unit time, the animal is able to consume more dry matter which also increases net energy.

• As the number of beneficial bacteria increases, there is subsequent increase in microbial protein, which when combined with increased net energy leads to high milk production.
Sharivit is a well-balanced combination of yeast, vitamins, organic acids and minerals.

 • Mineral supplements should be provided as they are essential in milk production, they improve fertility, reduce incidences of retained placenta and also contributes to development of strong bones in the growing foetus.

• Granular mineral salts should be mixed with feeds in a feeding trough or fed with the concentrates. It may be necessary to moisten the granular mineral licks to prevent dusting during licking as this predisposes the cows to respiratory problems.

• Provide mineral salts at a rate of 150g for every 5 litres of milk produced, and an extra 60g for every 5 extra litres.

•Overfeeding grain and/or excessive amounts of fat, starch, and nonstructural carbohydrates in the ration can upset rumen function and metabolism. Dry grain mixtures should be limited to a maximum of 2.5% of body weight for most cows. The concentrate dry matter as a percent of the total ration dry matter should not exceed 55 to 60% for peak production (80 pounds of milk) and 40 to 50% for average production.

Production will be optimal if management is not compromised
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